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Visit Us / About AHUMC

Worship; Community; Service; Justice: All are welcome, and all means all! These aren’t just words for us at Almaden Hills United Methodist Church. Worship is the starting point for all we do in the community and the wider world. We look to worship to fill and transform us so that we may go out and be God’s heart, hands, and feet.


Wherever you are on your faith journey, you are welcome to walk along with us. Our congregation is open to people of all ages, races, ethnicities, genders, family relationships, and abilities. Our Sunday Worship is in-person and online; and in-person and online Bible Study and discussion groups through the month build our faith and understanding of the Word.


We are inspired by the love of God to serve others in big and small ways: A bag of groceries, backpacks filled with school supplies for 250 neighborhood kids, the comfort of clergy and friends in trying times, contributions to worldwide relief. Much of our work is centered on our neighbors in the surrounding community.


And we have a lot of fun! Children's and Youth Ministries celebrate the joy of “Loving God and Loving Others”. Small Group participants form long-term friendships while enjoying a variety of interests and activities. Not to mention that we laugh – heartily and often! During Sunday service, at fellowship time after service, while working together, and in gatherings among church friends. 


We have a strong and fruitful relationship with Willow Glen UMC. The churches sponsor and support our wonderful Joint Youth Ministry and often share in ministry around special seasons such as Easter and Christmas. Our Education and Family Campus at Cambrian Park UMC also hosts Joint Youth Ministry and other activities.


Our United Methodist tradition emphasizes God's grace and serving others. We believe that Jesus Christ is the fullest expression of God's love – showing us the fullness of God's care through Jesus' teachings, death, and resurrection. We believe that God loves all people, and that we share in expressing that love.

Contact the church office for more information. We hope that you’ll join us in person or online. (We have answers to some common questions here.) We’re excited to meet you! 

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Almaden Hills United Methodist Church
1200 Blossom Hill Road
San Jose, CA 95118

Live services 10am Sunday in-person and streaming


Church office: 408-269-2345

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